科学研究院杰出人才风采 - 王瑞教授

发布时间:2021-09-10     作者:    阅读:2765


 王瑞 教授.jpg


王瑞,男,博士,教授,博士生导师,海外高层次引进人才。重点围绕着1500km的西藏冈底斯带开展岩浆岩和成矿研究工作,成果主要体现在三个方面:一是对西藏冈底斯成矿带大陆碰撞斑岩矿床时空分布和起因的创新认识,二是对青藏高原碰撞环境下壳幔相互作用和岩浆成因的深度解剖,三是中高山区陆陆碰撞带找矿勘查方法的创新。目前担任《Ore Geology Reviews》副主编和《China Geology》副主编,《Frontiers in Earth Sciences》和《矿床地质》编委。以客座主编/副主编身份编撰SEGOGR特别专辑3部。发表SCI论文40篇,SCI引用1100余次,H指数17https://scholar.google.ca/citations?user=xUOneMwAAAAJ&hl=en)。



·         中国地质大学(北京); 科学研究院; 2017.09 / 至今

·         澳大利亚CSIRO 博士后研究; 2014.10 / 2017.09


·         博士;地球与大气科学学院,矿床学专业,加拿大阿尔伯塔大学;2010.09 / 2014.05

·         硕士;地空学院,地球化学专业; 北京大学; 2008.09 / 2010.06

·         学士;地空学院,地球化学专业; 北京大学; 2004.09 / 2008.06


·         1. 20218月,国家自然科学基金委创新群体核心成员,群体名称:碰撞带地壳演化

·         2. 20211月,第三届高山青年科学家奖

·         3. 2020年,第十八届侯德封青年科学家奖

·         4. 2020年,中国地质大学(北京)“北地先锋”优秀共产党员

·         4. 2019年,科技部创新人才推进计划重点领域创新团队核心成员,群体名称:青藏高原岩石圈演化与成矿创新团队

·         5. 2019年,中国地质大学(北京)五四奖章

·         5. 20181月,高等学校学科创新引智基地(111计划)核心成员,基地名称:岩浆成因和大陆地壳形成


· 1. 国家自然科学基金委员会,创新群体研究项目,4212100033,碰撞带地壳演化,2022-01 2026-121000万元,在研,参与

· 2. 国家自然科学基金委员会,面上项目,41973037,后碰撞环境下富S岩浆起源和斑岩成矿作用,2020-01 2023-1262万元,在研,主持

· 3. 教育部、国家外国专家局,高等学校学科创新引智基地项目,B18048,岩浆成因和大陆地壳形成,2018-01 2022-12900万元,在研,参与

· 4. 国家自然科学基金委员会,特提斯地球动力系统重大研究计划重点支持项目,91755207,中生代冈底斯弧的岩浆成因与地壳演化,2018-01 2021-12243万元,在研,参与

· 5. 西澳矿产勘查(MRIWA)项目,利用三维地化梯度模式寻找高品位金矿床(Pathways to high grade gold: 3D gradient mapping of mineral systems),MRIWA project M452, 2015/03-2018/03, 1000万,参加,已结题

· 6. 澳大利亚联邦工业科学研究组织项目,R-90065-01,热液白云母高光谱特征和成矿作用(White mica_hydrothermal driver),2014/10-2017/10, 30万,主持,已结题

· 7. 国际合作项目,IGCP/SIDA-600,东特提斯造山带碰撞与成矿作用(Metallogenesis of Collisional Orogens in the East Tethyside Domain),2011/01-2015/12, 200万,参加,已结题


· 1. Wang, R., Weinberg, R.F., Zhu, D.C., Hou, Z.Q & Yang, Z.M. 2021. The impact of a tear in the subducted Indian plate on the Miocene geology of the Himalayan-Tibetan orogen: GSA Bulletin, https://doi.org/10.1130/B36023.1

· 2. Wang, R., Zhu, D., Wang, Q., Hou, Z., Yang, Z., Zhao, Z., Mo, X. 2020. Porphyry mineralization in the Tethyan orogen. Science China Earth Sciences, v, 63, p. 2029-2041.

· 3. Hou, Z.Q, Wang, R, 2019. Fingerprinting metal transfer from mantle, Nature Communications, 10, 3510.

· 4. Wang, R., Weinberg, R.F., Collins, W.J., Richards, J.P., Zhu, D.C., 2018. Origin of post-collisional magmas and formation of porphyry Cu deposits in southern Tibet. Earth-Science Reviews, v. 181, p. 122–143. (invited review)

· 5. Wang, R., Jeon, H., Evans, N., 2018, Archaean hydrothermal fluid modified zircons at Sunrise Dam and Kanowna Belle gold deposits, Western Australia: Implications for post-magmatic fluid activity and ore genesis. American Mineralogist, v. 103, p. 1891–1905

· 6. Wang, R., Cudahy, T., Laukamp, C., Walshe, J.L., Bath, A., Mei, Y., Young, C., Roache, T.J., Jenkins, A., Clarke, F., Baker, A., Roberts, M., and Laid, J., 2017. White mica as a hyperspectral tool in exploration for Sunrise Dam and Kanowna Belle gold deposits, Western Australia. Economic Geology, v. 112 (5), p. 1153–1176.

· 7. Wang, R., Collins, W.J., Weinberg, R.F., Li, J.X., Li, Q.Y., He, W.Y., Richards, J.P., Hou, Z.Q., and Zhou, L.M., 2016. Xenoliths in ultrapotassic volcanic rocks in the Lhasa Block: direct evidence for crust-mantle mixing and metamorphism in the deep crust, Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. v. 172, 62. DOI 10.1007/s00410-016-1272-6.

· 8. Wang, R., Richards, J.P., Hou, Z.Q., Yang, Z.M., Gou, Z.B., and DuFrane, S.A., 2014. Increasing magmatic oxidation state from Paleocene to Miocene in the eastern Tibetan Gangdese belt: Implication for collision-related porphyry Cu-Mo±Au mineralization. Economic Geology, v. 195 (7), p. 1943–1965.

· 9. Wang, R., Richards, J.P., Hou, Z.Q., Yang, Z.M., and DuFrane, S.A., 2014. Increased magmatic water content–the key to Oligo-Miocene porphyry Cu-Mo±Au formation in the eastern Gangdese belt, Tibet. Economic Geology, v. 195 (5), p. 1315–1339.

· 10. Wang, R., Richards, J.P., Hou, Z.Q., and Yang, Z.M., 2014. Extent of underthrusting of the Indian plate beneath Tibet controlled of Miocene porphyry Cu-Mo±Au deposits. Mineralium Deposita, v. 49, p. 165–173.


· 1. 岩浆热液成矿作用

· 2. 找矿勘查

· 3. 花岗岩成因和演化


·   010-82323212

· E-mailrw@cugb.edu.cn